What is “European Association for Secure Transactions (EAST)”?

EAST, an abbreviation of the European Association for Secure Transactions statement, is a non-profit organization that works in the field of ATM security.

On June 8, 2017, EAST changed to European Association for Secure Transactions (EAST) to reflect significant changes in payments. With this change, its mission has now expanded to include Terminal Security and Payment Security.

The non-profit organization, which works in the field of ATM security, continues to work in accordance with the name change, including terminal and payment security due to developments in the sector.

Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, the United States, and 26 European countries are represented in the east.

As well as members from the SEPA region countries, the organization also has members from NON-SEPA countries. Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, from Serbia, Turkey, South Africa, and Ukraine are the countries that are members of the NON-SEPA.

In addition to secret cross-border information exchange, EAST European Payment Terminal generates Crime Reports, European Fraud Updates and hidden Payment Alerts, Fraud Alerts and Physical Attack Alerts.

Organize an international network of members from Turkey’s border with organizations to assist in the development of cooperation in combating cross-border crime Interbank Card Center (BKM).

Also you can visit: EAST website